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Behaviour Policy (Secondary)

Updated on: Fri Jan 27, 2023


EIC Behaviour Policy supports our ethos:

“ provide opportunities for our students to discover, explore, and develop their talents in a friendly, and supportive atmosphere that encourages academic and personal achievement.”

“ encourage students to develop self-discipline and self-confidence and also to consider the needs of other people.!”

EIC Code of Conduct

The cornerstone of our policy is the EIC Code of Conduct. The key points in the Code of Conduct: Be a good role model, Show Consideration and Aim High should guide our interactions with students.

The Code of Conduct will be given a high profile throughout the secondary school, specifically in the following ways:

  • In tutorial work, particularly in Years 6 and 7
  • In lessons to re-inforce expectations
  • In classroom displays
  • In assemblies
  • By sharing with parents at the primary/secondary transition

Primary/Secondary Transition

Expectations in the secondary school are significantly different from expectations in the primary school. Year 7 students need a great deal of support to develop and maintain good behaviour and personal organisation skills which will stand them in good stead throughout their school life and beyond. Our single campus facilitates such support.

To this end the following strategies will be used:

  • Not only to ensure that teachers set relevant academic targets but also to ensure that potential behaviour problems are addressed early.
  • KS3 Manager will lead at least one Y6 assembly in Summer term where focus will be the Code of Conduct.
  • Year 6 secondary taster days in the Summer term will include tutorials on the Code of Conduct.
  • A Parents’ meeting will be scheduled to ensure that students and the school have parental support in homework, uniform and organisational matters.
  • The Head of Key Stage 3 and Principal will regularly visit Y7 lessons in the Autumn term.

New Staff

It is important that new staff understand and implement EIC policy. Attention will be drawn to this in INSET week and opportunities to dis-cuss this will be made available in department and section meetings.


While EIC policy aims to bring about good behaviour by education, encouragement and positive relationships between teachers and students, there will be times when sanctions are needed to ensure that students understand that poor behaviour has consequences and that we will not tolerate any behaviour which disrupts the learning of others. Sanctions should be used following these guidelines:

  1. A note in the on the students FF blog, to be followed up by the tutor.
  2. A department lunchtime detention, always noted in the diary. Breaktime detentions should not be given.
  3. No student should be given more than two department detentions in one term; if poor behaviour persists the Head section must be informed.
  4. The tutor is responsible for monitoring the students blogs and will refer students who have negative comments from more than one subject to the HOS.
  5. The HOS will take his/her discretion in applying further sanc-tions which may include counselling, withdrawal of privilegesuch as extra-curricular participation, on report, parental contact or meeting, after school detention and suspension.


We believe that students respond to praise. Teachers should inform tutors and HOS about students’ achievements, including improve-ments in behaviour and organisation, so that we can all offer words of praise and encouragement in an informal way when possible.

See House Section 

Department Awards

Departments may want to award their own certificates for outstanding achievement, progress or for participating in special events.

These are encouraged but should be restricted to six per year group, though there may be exceptions to this, notably PE.

Celebrating Achievement

Words of praise, house points, certificates, of celebrating our students’ achievements. Whenever possible certificates will be awarded in assemblies, whether whole-school, key stage or year group assemblies. Students should also be sent to senior staff for praise when possible, particularly when exceptional progress has been made.

Principal Commendations:

All staff, Primary and Secondary, are asked to nominate students who have made outstanding progress, attained exceptionally high academic levels or made significant contributions to the life of the school. Nominations should be made by the end of each month; the Principal will then select between one and three for the award each month.


Admissions is now open for the 2025/2026 academic year. Please be aware that there can be a waiting period of up to 10 days for tour appointments.

We recognize the importance of choosing the right school for your family and we are here to help. Please take the time to read through the Admissions pages to familiarise yourself with the admissions process, but don't hesitate to contact us if you have questions.

When you are ready please visit the Making an Enquiry page to begin the process of joining us.
