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iPad Acceptable Use Policy

Updated on: Fri Jan 27, 2023


The 1:1 iPad initiative which has been adopted by The English International College, Marbella seeks to enhance learning for our students by utilising 21st century learning tools. The usage of individual iPads empowers students to improve their self-initiated learning and collaboration, and prepare them for further studies and the workplace.

A dynamic interaction among students, educators, parents and the extended community enhances student learning. Technology does not diminish the vital role of the teacher. On the contrary, it transforms the teacher from a director of learning to a facilitator of learning. Effective teaching and learning with iPads integrates technology into the curriculum at any time, and any place.

This document outlines the guidelines and acceptable use policy for all students using College owned iPad devices at the College.


This document applies to all parents and students of The English International College, Marbella who utilise College owned iPads at the College. Usage of College owned iPad devices constitutes consent to the policy and guidelines set out in this document.

Taking Care of Your iPad – General Notes 

Students are responsible for the general care of the iPad issued to them by The English International College, Marbella. It is the responsibility of the child to take care of the iPad. iPads that are broken or fail to work properly should be handed to the student’s class teacher or tutor, for processing or repair. 

General Precautions

  • The iPad is the College’s property and should be treated with respect and care.
  • Only use a clean, soft cloth to clean the screen.
  • Do not use cleansers of any type.
  • Cords and cables must be inserted carefully into the iPad to prevent damage.
  • Only genuine Apple chargers and cables should be used.
  • iPads must never be left in an unattended backpack, unlocked car or any unsupervised area.
  • Students are responsible for keeping their iPad’s battery charged for each college day. Students must keep the iPad in its protective casing (as supplied by the College) at all times.

Damaged iPads 

iPads that are broken or fail to work should be handed to the class teacher/tutor as soon as possible.

Carrying iPads

  • The College iPad is supplied with an OtterBox protective cover. This should not be removed under any circumstances.
  • The OtterBox hard shell screen protector should be in place over the screen whenever the iPad is in transit.

Screen Care

  • The iPad screens can be damaged if subjected to rough treatment. Screens and corners are particularly sensitive to damage from excessive pressure.
  • Do not lean on the top of the iPad when it is closed.
  • Do not place anything near the iPad that could put pressure on the screen.
  • Do not place anything in the carrying case that will press against the cover.
  • Clean the screen with a soft, dry cloth or anti?static cloth.
  • Use of harsh chemicals WILL damage the screen.
  • Do not “bump” the iPad against lockers, walls, car doors, floors, etc. as it will eventually break the screen.

iPad Repairs 

To ensure any repairs to iPads does not void the manufacturer’s (Apple) warranty or the terms of the insurance policy:

  • Students should never attempt to repair an iPad, or take the iPad to a third party for repair. This includes Apple stores.
  • Repairs will be completed using the College’s own repair agents.
  • If an iPad requires repair, it should be handed to the class teacher or tutor, who will forward the device appropriately.

iPad Identification 

The College records the iPad’s serial number on the College database. Students should clearly label their iPad and accessories for easy identification.

Insurance Coverage 

If students or parents wish to carry their own additional insurance to protect the iPad in cases of theft, loss, or accidental damage, they should consult their insurance agent for details. 

Occupational Health and Safety 

General recommendations for the use of the iPad include:

  • Avoiding extended use of the iPad while resting it on your lap. The bottom of the iPad can generate as much heat as a laptop.
  • Take frequent breaks when using the iPad for long periods of time.
  • Look away from the iPad approximately every fifteen minutes.
  • Take caution as to the location of any charging cables at home to prevent creating trip hazards. 

Using Your College Owned iPad At The College

  • iPads are intended for use at the College each day.
  • Individual teachers may have certain expectations about what students have on their iPad.
  • Students are responsible for bringing their iPad to all classes

iPads Left at Home

  • Students are responsible for getting the iPad dependent work completed if iPads are not brought to the College.

Keeping your iPad secure at School

  • When a student or their class is out of the classroom, iPads must be locked up in a secure location.
  • iPads must not be left at the College overnight.

Charging Your iPad’s Battery

  • iPads must be brought to the College each day in a fully charged condition. Students need to charge their iPads each evening.

Sound, Music, Pictures, Games or Programs

  • Sound must be muted at all times unless permission is obtained from the teacher.
  • Students must bring headphones to class to accompany the iPad.
  • Music is allowed on the iPad and can be used at the discretion of the teacher.
  • Inappropriate media may not be used as a screensaver or background photo.
  • Inappropriate content must be removed as requested.
  • Apps, Videos and photos must be rated suitable for the device user.
  • Presence of weapons, pornographic materials, suggestive images, inappropriate language, alcohol, drug, tobacco, and gang related symbols or pictures will result in removal of content and possible disciplinary actions.
  • The iPads must not be used for communication, except at the direct instruction of a member of staff. This includes communicating with other students, parents and family (whilst on the College premises) or other outside parties.

Managing Your Files & Saving Your Work 

Students may save work to the applications on the iPad.

It is advisable that students use functions such as Google Drive (internet storage) to back up the information on their iPad. Students will hand in assignments as specified by the individual teacher. It is the student’s responsibility to ensure that work is backed up and is not lost due to mechanical failure or accidental deletion.

Network Connectivity

  • The College makes no guarantee that its network will be up and running 100% of the time.
  • In the rare case that the network is down, the College will not be responsible for lost or missing data.

Software on iPads/iOS Updates

  • Students must only use apps associated with their College account. Students cannot share iTunes/App Store accounts or apps with other students.
  • Students will be required to have the set curriculum apps loaded on their iPad at all times, and these will be determined by the teachers at the start of the year.
  • Students will be required to have their iOS (operating system) updated regularly to keep up with security and new developments.

Additional Software

  • The iPad may only have content that is rated up to the individual user’s age at school, and this includes applications. 
  • Students will be asked to delete any content that contains violence, age specific (where the user is underage) Social networking, sexual content, inappropriate language etc.


  • Students may be selected at random to provide their College owned iPad for inspection.
  • Any member of staff has the right to inspect a College owned iPad at any time.

Damages to iPads and Consequences

  • College iPads are provided for educational use only.
  • It is the responsibility of the iPad recipient to manage the safety, integrity and use of the device at all times.
  • The College provides insurance against reasonable accidental loss or damage
  • If the insurance company deems that any loss or damage falls outside the remit of the insurance provided, the full cost of repair or replacement may be charged to the student.
  • It is the students responsibility to keep the iPad in a secure location when they are not using it.

Possible damages

  • The iPad is a portable device that, when not protected properly, can be damaged:
  • Screen can be cracked, outer case dented and internals damaged if dropped
  • If submerged in water or exposed to extreme heat the internals of an iPad can be damaged


  • In the event that an iPad is broken, it should be handed to the College for external insurance assessment and repairs.
  • College insurance does not cover the deliberate damage of iPads, and the student/s involved may be liable for any damages caused and repair costs incurred
  • The College may also give appropriate consequences in line with the College’s behaviour policy in regards to deliberate damage and inappropriate use of iPads in the College environment.
  • iPads are less likely to be damaged if they are enclosed in a heavy-duty case and handled with care.
  • Malfunctions, technical issues or damage are not acceptable excuses for failing to complete school tasks.

Acceptable Use Policy

Students at The English International College, Marbella are required to agree to the iPad Acceptable Use Policy and Guidelines before accepting the iPad provided by the College. This contract confirms that you have read the guidelines and responsibilities you are expected to uphold as a digital citizen at The English International College, Marbella. It is your responsibility to make good choices and uphold the expectations below. If you choose not to follow these expectations you may forfeit the right to use an iPad at the College and other disciplinary action may occur as appropriate.

Student Responsibilities

  • Students will use computer/devices in a responsible and ethical manner.
  • Students will obey general College rules concerning behaviour and communication that apply to iPad/computer use.
  • Students will help the College protect its computer system/devices by contacting an administrator about any security problems they may encounter.
  • Students will monitor all activity on their account(s). Students should always turn off and secure their iPad after they are finished working to protect their work and information.
  • Students will use the Internet in a safe and appropriate manner and any offensive or inappropriate websites must be reported to a class teacher immediately so that they can be blocked.
  • Students will respect and look after all iPads including their own College owned device, and those of other students.
  • Students will use good judgement when using the built in camera, and never without the permission of a member of staff and also of the subject of the digital media.

Student Activities Strictly Prohibited

  • Illegal installation or transmission of copyrighted materials.
  • Violating any copyright laws.
  • Any action that violates any existing policy, rules or laws.
  • Sending, accessing, uploading, downloading, or distributing offensive, profane, threatening, pornographic, obscene, or sexually explicit materials.
  • Use of chat rooms, sites selling term papers, book reports and other forms of student work.
  • Internet/computer games that are not deemed as educational by teacher.
  • Downloading apps that are not for school curriculum.
  • Gaining access to another student’s accounts, files, and/or data.
  • Use of anonymous and/or false communications such as MSN Messenger, Yahoo Messenger.
  • Participation in credit card fraud, electronic forgery or other forms of illegal behaviour.
  • Vandalism (any malicious attempt to harm or destroy hardware, software, or data, including, but not limited to, the uploading or creation of computer viruses or computer programs that can infiltrate computer systems and/or damage software components) of College equipment will not be allowed.
  • Transmission or accessing materials that are obscene, offensive, threatening or otherwise intended to harass or demean recipients.
  • Photographing any other person without that person’s consent.
  • Using the camera to take inappropriate, illicit or sexually explicit photographs or videos or to embarrass anyone in any way.
  • Use of the camera in toilets or change rooms.
  • Post images or movies to a Public Forum without the express permission of a member of staff.
  • Use of the camera and microphone in class unless permission is granted by a teacher. Jailbreaking (act of deliberately removing limitations on the device by the proprietary software).
  • Utilising mobile data connections in any form (direct or via wireless).
  • Bypassing, or attempting to bypass the The English International College, Marbella web filter by any means.
  • Bypassing, or attempting to bypass the The English International College, Marbella Mobile Device Management software by any means.

Legal Propriety 

  • You must comply with trademark and copyright laws and all license agreements. Ignorance of the law is not immunity. If you are unsure, ask a teacher or parent.
  • Use or possession of hacking software is strictly prohibited and violators will be subject to disciplinary action.
  • Violation of applicable law will result in criminal prosecution and/or disciplinary action.

Student iPad Policy Agreement

  • I will take good care of my iPad
  • I will bring my iPad to school everyday fully charged
  • I will know where my iPad is at all times
  • I will never loan out my iPad to other individuals
  • I will respect and look after school iPads and other students’ iPads
  • I will never leave my iPad unattended and lock it up when outside the classroom
  • I will keep food and drink away from my iPad as they may cause damage
  • I will not disassemble any part of my iPad or attempt any repairs
  • I will protect my iPad by only carrying it in its full protective casing
  • I will use my iPad in ways that are appropriate, that meet the College’s expectations and have an educational purpose
  • I understand that my iPad is subject to inspection at any time without notice, and will provide any security information to access all content
  • I will follow the policies outlined in the iPad Policy
  • I will file a police report in case of theft, vandalism, and other acts covered by insurance as well as report to the College.
  • I will be responsible for all damage or loss of any iPad that is caused by my neglect or abuse.

I understand that the Internet can connect me to useful information stored on computers around the world. While I have access to the Internet:

  • I will use it only for educational purposes.
  • I will not look for anything that is illegal, dangerous or offensive.
  • If I accidentally come across something that is illegal, dangerous or offensive, I will clear any offensive pictures or information from my screen and then immediately and quietly inform my teacher.
  • I will not use the Internet or email to annoy, offend or harass anyone else.
  • I understand that the College monitors both the Internet and computer network usage and if the College decides I have broken these rules, appropriate action will be taken.
  • Any attempt to circumvent network restrictions or put at risk the security of the network or other devices on any network will be considered a breach of this agreement.
  • The consequence of this may include the College limiting my access to devices and/or loss of my Internet and email access for some time, and may also incur harsher disciplinary action at the discretion of the College Leadership.
  • Serious and unlawful actions will lead to police notification

.By accepting a place at The English International College, Marbella I agree to the conditions set forth in The English International College, Marbella iPad Acceptable Use Policy and Guidelines.

Parent iPad Policy Agreement 

As a Parent/Guardian of a student at The English International College, Marbella we require you to accept the Policy and guidelines we have provided. Your acceptance of a place for your child at The English International College, Marbella is taken as an acceptance of all rules and policies. We also ask you to take your part as a parent/guardian to support the policy and help educate your child in the area of technology and the cyber world.

Parent/Guardian Responsibilities

  • Talk to children about values and the standards that your children should follow on the use of the Internet just as you do on the use of all media information sources such as television, telephones, movies, and radio.
  • Understand that the child and you hold full responsibility for their device and will not hold The English International College, Marbella liable for any mistreatment, breakages, vandalism or loss of device.
  • Make sure the device is synced/backed up and the required Apps are purchased and installed.
  • Understand that students under the age of 13 may not take part in age restricted social networking sites such as Facebook.
  • Understand that if my child damages another student’s device I will be required to pay costs associated with the device repair or replacement.

College Responsibilities

  • The College will provide Internet access to its students whilst on-site.
  • The College will seek to block materials considered by the College to be inappropriate.
  • The College will arrange the repair or replacement of any damaged device, in accordance with the requirements of the insurance policy.
  • The College reserves the right to review, monitor, and restrict information stored on or transmitted via owned equipment and to investigate inappropriate use of resources.
  • College staff will carefully select online content for students to use and at times allow students to create accounts to log on to appropriate educational resource sites.


Admissions is now open for the 2025/2026 academic year. Please be aware that there can be a waiting period of up to 10 days for tour appointments.

We recognize the importance of choosing the right school for your family and we are here to help. Please take the time to read through the Admissions pages to familiarise yourself with the admissions process, but don't hesitate to contact us if you have questions.

When you are ready please visit the Making an Enquiry page to begin the process of joining us.
