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12th Polar Bear - 2019

Throughout time and history the number 12 has always held a special reserve of significance. In the North of Ireland, where I was born, the 12th of July causes annual conjecture, while the knights of the round table felt more secure in this even number. Indeed, as we approached Christmas, the 12 day run up is a historic, annual phenomenon!

I suppose therefore we should all have known that the 12th EIC Polar Bear ????would be unique. It began to feel special at least 12 days before, due, in large part, to the soothsayers and prophets who began to foretell of meteorological doom and gloom!

Ever since the commencement of a career in Physical Education I have always been aghast at the appearance of the weather expert! Their timing is impeccable. They circle like vultures awaiting their carion.... suddenly the alignment of weather fronts is a daily topic and the pressure builds... not just between the isobars. Indeed, as with any major sporting event on the horizon it is a regular departmental requirement to ignore the doubts and press on. Conviction; our major barometer rather than science.

Our 12th Polar Bear, probably, should not have happened. Nearly all weather reports pointed to a storm of apocalyptic times. However, we held our nerve and so did the "stratus" above us. Thankfully, so too did the EIC community.

Unbelievably, against ALL the odds, 140 foolhardy, brilliant, brave and charitable individuals arrived in the darkness of dawn to embark on our 12th Year of Madness. Simply astounding......

No records this year broken but a new benchmark set in regard to our most scary Bear! Forget Polar, the 12th Bear was definitely a Grizzly!


12th Polar Bear ???? Only for the Brave ????

Over €1,000 raised for the children's oncology ward at Materno Infantil, Malaga.



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