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Primary School Students Celebrated Easter and the Beginning of Spring

Primary School Students Celebrated Easter and the Beginning of Spring

Eggciting times were had by all on the last Friday of term, as the Primary school students celebrated Easter and the beginning of Spring.

Once again, our House Captains stepped forward to plan and deliver a series of activities, supported by the PTA. In year group bubbles, students were treated to Egg and Spoon races, Guess How Many Eggs, Pin the Tail on the Bunny, Carrot Throw, Bunny Ear aim, Sack race and the very popular, Balloon Pop! All activities were then rounded off with an eggstraordinary Easter egg hunt where everyone came away with bags brimming with goodies! One lucky pupil from each bubble also received 50 house points for finding the golden bunny!

To celebrate the start of Spring, warmer days and the prospect of new beginnings, we decided to have a non-uniform day full of pastel and Spring time colours!

No Easter celebration is ever complete without the chance of maybe spotting the Easter Bunny, who was more than happy to bounce their way back to EIC and make the students, staff and parents all smile! After a short but intense half term, it was eggactly what the bunny ordered!!! All puns intended! My thanks as ever, to our incredibly generous PTA, led by Karoliina and Heather, who worked so tirelessly to make the day such a great success and provided all of the chocolate and confectionary treats.

Wishing all of the Primary students and their families a safe, sunny and enjoyable Easter and Spring Term holiday!

Miss Harriet

Head of Primary



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