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World Book Day 2022

World Book Day 2022

On Thursday, book fever took over Secondary, as we celebrated World Book Day. We decorated doors in the theme of our favourite books, dressed as book characters and tutor groups battled it out in a book quiz. The winning form was 8B! Teachers and students shared excerpts from their favourite books and throughout the day visited the charity book sale. Celebrations will continue next week in Secondary, as children's author Lucy Strange will make a virtual visit to Years 7 - 9 on Tuesday!

We loved celebrating World Book Day in Primary this week! We all took part in various events throughout the day which allowed us to share and enhance our love of books. We supported our school and local community by treating ourselves to a new book or two from the charity book sale, we enjoyed a 'Drop Everything and Read' story time when our teachers read to us from their favourite childhood book and we completed activities such as quizzes and games linked to books in our English lessons too! Additionally, the Primary teachers want to say a big 'Well Done' to everyone who completed the book cover and reading photo challenges over half term. A superb effort!



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