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International Day of Mathematics 2023

International Day of Mathematics 2023

Tuesday 14th March was the International Day of Mathematics. To celebrate this, our Primary children took part in various Mathematical activities during the day. In KS1 and EYFS, lessons consisted of children having fun by solving various Maths problems using their logical thinking and going on nature walks, collecting twigs to order, according to size.

In KS2, students who have excellent recall of their times tables from each year group were invited to compete against each other, and two of our teachers, in a Times Table Rapid Recall Competition. It was intense! In the preliminary round, children had to answer times tables correctly within 3 seconds to qualify. In the final round, again speed was of the element, but this time, how many time tables could they each answer correctly in 30 seconds?

As the pressure increased, so did the number of questions answered. There was even a tiebreaker round between Misael in Year 6 and Mr Roger! A winner was found and our congratulations go to Misael for being the current KS2 speediest times tabler. Well done to every child that took part; they all certainly proved that KS2 are most definitely Times Table Experts!



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