What an eggcellent way to finish off the Spring Term with an Easter-themed, fun-packed day! This Easter, Primary parents from Early Years to Year 2 were invited to spend the morning and join in some of the fantastic activities arranged by our wonderful Primary House Captains. The PTA organised some eggciting egg hunts in the secret garden, face painting, and a big surprise for this year: two bouncy castles, which will be enjoyed by the whole school for many years to come!
They also arranged for a very special visitor to come along and join all the children from Primary on their egg hunts; needless to say, the Easter Bunny was a big hit! Our Secondary cohort did not miss out; they enjoyed a non-uniform day and plenty of chocolate!
The Year 9 House Captains arranged some egg hunting fun for Years 7 to 10 in the Secret Garden, including a golden ticket that gave the winner an extra special prize! It was truly an eggceptional day! Huge thanks must go to our fantastic House Captains and the PTA, particularly Courtney, Maria, Lucy, Cristina, Heather, Peppa, Louise, Christine, and Su, for all their help to make it such a wonderful day.