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Year 5 - Museo Picasso Málaga

Feb 21, 2022 | | Tags: Primary

Year 5 completed this term's Art topic of 'Pablo Picasso' with a visit to the Museo Picasso Málaga. Here, they furthered their knowledge of Picasso's personal life, his life as an artist and looked closely at particularly pieces of his work - thank you Miss Jackson for the personalised booklets that…

Primary Project Exhibitions - Year 3 and Year 4

Feb 20, 2022 | | Tags: Primary

Year 3 and 4 did a fantastic job when they showcased their recent work in Primary Project Exhibitions! Linked to our Year of Environmental Awareness, they looked at Endangered Animals and Deforestation. The exhibitions showcased some fabulous cross-curricular learning. The children were visibly proud…

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Year 4 Trip to the Malaga Music Museum

Feb 18, 2022 | | Tags: Primary

As part of our Science topic on Sound, Year 4 went to the Interactive Museum of Music in Malaga, arriving on a beautiful sunny Spring morning. The first half of the visit was participating in a workshop playing a wide range of instruments under the instruction of one of their music teachers. The second…

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Children's Mental Health Week

Feb 07, 2022 | | Tags: Primary

It is Children's Mental Health Week and EIC teachers have planned a week of different activities and moments in lessons to focus on this year's theme: Growing Together. With the help of our Primary House Captains, Miss Harriet spoke to all Primary students today about what mental health is and how…

Year 2 Enjoyed Learning about Chinese New Year
Year 2 Enjoyed Learning about Chinese New Year

Feb 07, 2022 | | Tags: Primary

Last week, Year 2 enjoyed learning about Chinese New Year, as part of their activities. In our Art lessons, we worked really hard to fold, colour and assemble our amazing Chinese Dragons and we are all very proud of them, as you can see from the pictures!

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Year 6 learnt about Peppered moths also known as Darwin's Moths

Feb 01, 2022 | | Tags: Primary

After having learnt about Peppered moths (also known as Darwin's moths), Year 6 were asked to find a tree within the school, on which a moth could possibly live and how it would begin to adapt it's appearance to remain camouflaged from predators. To create the same texture and look of their chosen tree,…

Year 4 - Sound Pitch Through Materials of Varying Thickness, Length and Tension

Jan 28, 2022 | | Tags: Primary

Year 4 were thoroughly engaged in learning the effects of sound pitch through different materials with varying thickness, length and tension.

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Year 6 are learning about animal and plant adaptations

Jan 21, 2022 | | Tags: Primary

As part of the unit, the students have to identify the adaptations that animals and plants have developed throughout the years in order to survive. We have linked this idea in our Art lessons, where students in our first lesson, had to create their own animal using a mash up of different adaptations…

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Year 2 Times Tables Challenge

Jan 19, 2022 | | Tags: Primary

Year Two have been very excited to start their Times Tables challenges this week! We have begun to complete our Maths Passports, by completing Times Tables tests, to move through the countries. To practise our Times Tables, we have really enjoyed playing interactive games on the IPads.

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Year 6 Maths Extension Classes

Dec 08, 2021 | | Tags: Primary

It has been wonderful to see the return of Year 6 Maths extension classes this term, with a group of Primary students making weekly trips to the Secondary Maths department. It is a fantastic opportunity for these students to think laterally and creatively, tackling subject material well outside their…



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