Sep 14, 2021 | |
Wonderful to welcome parents to our PTA breakfast this morning in the refectory thanks to Karolina, Heather and Goldie who outlined the opportunities to get involved and the important part the PTA plays in the school life. We look forward to working together with the many different fundrasing and activities…
Jun 11, 2021 | |
It was wonderful to have the opportunity to reflect back on the year with EIC parents and the PTA at last night's social. A special thank you to the talented students who treated us with their captivating musical performances and thank you to the EIC Music Department for organising and providing support…
May 26, 2021 | |
This year our fabulous PTA have raised funds for projects and equipment which are making a real difference across departments in the school. The new camera for Expressive Arts has and will ensure that wonderful images of students' work, be it art or drama and public speaking performances, can be captured…
Apr 03, 2021 | |
Eggciting times were had by all on the last Friday of term, as the Primary school students celebrated Easter and the beginning of Spring. Once again, our House Captains stepped forward to plan and deliver a series of activities, supported by the PTA. In year group bubbles, students were treated to…
Mar 09, 2021 | |
Thank you again for supporting our PTA, whose wonderful fundraising efforts mean we have some exciting new resources for the students to learn with and enjoy.
Dec 18, 2020 | |
Covid-19 may have defined 2020 but it has not defined EIC or diminished our determination to help others.In 2020, we have eclipsed our previous fundraising record by +60% and in just 3 weeks raised an astounding 11,747€ in the backdrop of a devastating pandemic. Our record tally from our ‘From our Family…
Dec 08, 2020 | |
Year 9 students have been inspired to support our Red Cross Appeal and so performed and produced their own music video themselves to help local families in need this Christmas. Their cover of the Foo Fighters - Times like These, is very apt for 2020 and reminds us all that so many lives have been changed…
Nov 30, 2020 | |
EIC Sixth Formers have continued to actively support our PTA Red Cross – From our Family to Yours appeal –This week by donating €210 from the proceeds of trading shares in the shares4schools competition. Coronavirus has hit many hard-working local people stripping them of their livelihoods through no…
Nov 24, 2020 | |
2020 has been a year of uncertainty and anxiety for many people but a visit to the Red Cross in Fuengirola is a humbling experience. There are so many local people in desperate need of help in our community. This year due to Covid-19 EIC and the Red Cross are unable to collect food but the amount of…
Nov 19, 2020 | |
Celebrating Computing Week at EIC allowed for us to have great fun exploring the world of VR in Primary and the children absolutely loved it! As you can see from the pictures, they felt that they were really inside some of the environments they explored as they reached out to touch snow, looked up at…
Admissions is now open for the 2025/2026 academic year. Please be aware that there can be a waiting period of up to 10 days for tour appointments.
We recognize the importance of choosing the right school for your family and we are here to help. Please take the time to read through the Admissions pages to familiarise yourself with the admissions process, but don't hesitate to contact us if you have questions.
When you are ready please visit the Making an Enquiry page to begin the process of joining us.