Latest News

Head Boy and Head Girl - 2020-2021
Head Boy and Head Girl - 2020-2021

Sep 11, 2020 | | Tags: Sixth Form

Yesterday elections were held for the key positions of Head Boy and Head Girl. Each of the candidates spoke eloquently to the entire Sixth Form about their ideas and plans for the future. Congratulations to them all. It is many years since we have had such a strong pool of candidates. The final results…

Protostar Award programme - 2020
Protostar Award programme - 2020

Sep 10, 2020 | | Tags: KS3

A big well done to Year 7 for not only making a smooth transition into Secondary but also for gaining so many stars in The Protostar Award programme. The aim of this initiative is to keep students on track and motivated, leaving them better prepared for starting Year 7. I am very proud of you all! Miss…

Latest News
A Lesson in Golf, Alvaro and Jonah

Jul 07, 2020 | | Tags: Sixth Form

Farewell, and keep in touch!Goodbye and good luck to two of our brightest academic and sporting talents. Alvaro and Jonah have been role model students throughout their time at EIC, they also graciously invited me to join them for a round of golf as their time at the school comes to an end. Patience…

Miss Jackson reviews the year of Expressive Arts and Drama at EIC.

Jun 30, 2020 | | Tags: Expressive Arts

Miss Jackson reviews the year of Expressive Arts and Drama at EIC with Nicole King from Marbella Now.

EIC Highlights of 2019 2020

Jun 26, 2020 |

In case you missed it - watch Mr Long, Don Carlos, Miss Harriet and Mr Willis review some of  EIC's highlights, challenges and accomplishments for the academic year of 2019/20. 

Latest News
Graduation Dinner 2020

Jun 23, 2020 | | Tags: Sixth Form

Yesterday, we held our Graduation Dinner to celebrate the successes of our departing Year 13 students. It was wonderful to see all our Sixth Formers together again after all these months, and we all enjoyed a wonderfully relaxed and entertaining evening in their company. A huge thank you to the team…

Art Exhibition - 2020
Art Exhibition - 2020

Jun 16, 2020 | | Tags: Expressive Arts

Visit our Art Exhibition 2020 After the launch of our first online Art Exhibition yesterday afternoon, I would like to thank everybody who supported this event and for the presence and enthusiasm of the viewers. We have had some amazing feedback! We know that the real experience of visiting a gallery…

Teacher Appreciation Week

May 11, 2020 |

Last week was Teacher Appreciation Week for this a special assembly took place on Friday with miss Katia to highlight some of the work students had completed to say thanks to their teachers.

KS3 Challenge Day 2020

Apr 20, 2020 | | Tags: KS3

On Friday 17th, students in KS3 had the opportunity to take part in a challenge competition that consisted of: - Building a floating boat with recycling materials - Building a bridge structure with spaghetti (testing the strength of the bridge with weights) - Sporting moments: recreating a famous/epic…

KS3 Star Award Presentation

Apr 15, 2020 | | Tags: KS3

This year, the KS3 Star Award Programme consisted of completing a project in a subject area of the student's choice. Students had the opportunity to take the initiative and become more independent. Yesterday, in a virtual assembly students shared their work with us and showed real passion and fascination…



Admissions will open in October for the 2025/2026 academic year.

We recognize the importance of choosing the right school for your family and we are here to help. Please take the time to read through the Admissions pages to familiarise yourself with the admissions process, but don't hesitate to contact us if you have questions.

When you are ready please visit the Making an Enquiry page to begin the process of joining us.
