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Year 6 Students Helping Elderly Citizens

Dec 20, 2019 | | Tags: Primary, Charity

When Year 6 students were given the brief to their Primary Project back at the end of September, one of the points that was raised was asking them to do something that went beyond the project and the exhibition; to get involved and take action for a sustained period of time and really make a difference. Well,…

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The EIC Christmas Variety Show 2019

Dec 20, 2019 | | Tags: Expressive Arts

On Thursday 19th December, the Sixth Form hosted a festive evening of music and drama to celebrate the season and to showcase some of the wonderful talent of EIC from both Primary and Secondary. What better way to get into the Christmas spirit after a busy, action-packed term than to be entertained with…

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The EIC Red Cross Christmas Charity Appeal 2019

Dec 16, 2019 | | Tags: Charity, PTA

It was wonderful to see the stage in the Main Hall this morning full with Red Cross donations. Once again we have broken the record in terms of donated items with 7,368 items collected this year. That is a 5% increase on last year. A huge thank you to all of you who supported this effort and particularly…

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The Lion King - A Roaring Good Time!

Nov 25, 2019 | | Tags: Drama, Expressive Arts

Due to calendar constraints, EIC’s secondary production this year took place from the 21st to 23rd November, also allowing for an extra performance to be added on Saturday. After much discussion over the summer break, Miss Jackson and myself decided it was time to bring to the EIC stage the award-winning…

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Year 13 Morocco Trip 2019

Nov 18, 2019 | | Tags: Charity, Sixth Form

On Thursday 14th November, our Year 13 students visited Morocco as part of our annual charity visit. Having raised money through bake sales, 'PA for the day', as well as taking many clothes donations, we visited a centre for children with Downs Syndrome and a centre for deaf children. It was wonderful…

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The EIC House Day 2019

Oct 07, 2019 |

Friday was a special day at EIC as we launched our new House System. The day began with a chance for all of EIC students to meet their new housemates and for the new House Captains to be announced. After this through activities such as writing house songs, banner designing to a tug of war competition…

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Key Stage 3 Science Trip

Oct 04, 2019 | | Tags: Science

This year the focus of our Science trip was local wildlife and we went out to sea in order to look at dolphins. We later ascended a mountain by cable car to see a bird display featuring some very impressive birds of prey including griffin vultures, golden eagles and eagle owls, all of which can be found…

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KS1 Trip to the Bioparc

Oct 02, 2019 | | Tags: Primary

KS1 had an amazing trip to Bioparc as part of our Carnival of the Animals topic. We saw a variety of animals, mainly from Africa, Asia and Australasia and learnt so much from both what we saw and our tour guides. Year 2 will use this trip as inspiration for the rest of our work this half term. What a…

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Secondary Swimming Gala 2019

Oct 01, 2019 | | Tags: PE

Water, (H20), is a very strange substance. It is our major life source yet most do not delight in the taste. We wash in it, we play with it, float on it, swim in it and are incessantly reminded to drink it to remain “hydrated”. In the EIC, this list is expanded by a further one. We also RACE in it. A…

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Primary Swimming Gala 2019

Sep 27, 2019 | | Tags: PE

The Primary Swimming Squad has had a very busy start to the term with numerous training sessions both before and after school. Our Year 5 and 6 students were all extremely honoured and privileged to be invited back to train at the Centro de Alta Rendimiento(high altitude training centre) up in the mountains…



Admissions will open in October for the 2025/2026 academic year.

We recognize the importance of choosing the right school for your family and we are here to help. Please take the time to read through the Admissions pages to familiarise yourself with the admissions process, but don't hesitate to contact us if you have questions.

When you are ready please visit the Making an Enquiry page to begin the process of joining us.
