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Provincial Sailing Champion
Provincial Sailing Champion

Mar 25, 2023 | | Tags: PE, KS3

A fantastic achievement, Lucas! Congratulations on becoming the Provincial Champion of the Optimist sub-13 class at the 4th Provincial Sailing Championship held on March 18th and 19th at the Real Club Marítimo de Marbella. Your hard work and dedication have paid off, and you should be proud of your achievement.…

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Year 7 Dune Reforestation

Mar 24, 2023 | | Tags: Eco Team, KS3

On Thursday, 23rd March, we had an incredible trip with our Year 7 classes, where we joined forces with ProDunas to carry out dune reforestation! We spent the morning pulling out the invasive False Mimosa and planting Wild Olive trees, Rosemary, and other native plants to help restore the dunes. It was…

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Congratulations to our amazing spelling bee winners from Years 7-10!

Mar 23, 2023 | | Tags: KS3, English, KS4

After an intense competition, we are thrilled for these amazing students who have emerged victorious as the top spellers in their respective year groups. This year, the competition was tough and many students were so close to spelling the words correctly. Some words, such as pertinacity, bougainvillaea…

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Year 7 Humanities - Medieval Castles

Mar 04, 2023 | | Tags: Humanities, KS3

In order to evaluate the feudal middle ages, Year 7 pupils were given the task of creating a unique castle for a medieval baron. This type of activity is frequently used in KS3 Humanities to teach students a diverse set of skills that extend beyond the usual academic syllabus.

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Year 9 Trading Game as Part of the Big Ideas Course

Mar 02, 2023 | | Tags: KS3, Humanities

Year 9 have been playing the Trading Game as part of the Big Ideas course. Groups of students were allocated sets of uneven resources and needed to earn money by manufacturing items to win the game. The game tries to show how trade actually works, who benefits and who loses. It aims to help players understand…

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Key Stage 3 Science Photography Competition

Dec 16, 2022 | | Tags: KS3, Science

On Thursday, we announced the winners of our Key Stage 3 Science photography competition. Our students took photographs during their visit to the Butterfly Park in Benalmádena during their Science trips and the best photograph from each year group was selected by a panel of judges. Students had a…

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What the world would look like without the Arts

Nov 28, 2022 | | Tags: Expressive Arts, KS3

Imagine switching on your TV to watch a Netflix series and only getting a blank screen? Imagine going to turn on the radio or your music playlist and hearing nothing but silence? Imagine walking into a room with no photos, posters, displays or artwork and seeing nothing but a blank solid colour wall?  In…

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Chess - Big Ideas

Nov 23, 2022 | | Tags: KS3

Chess: At the end of last half term, KS3 students were introduced to the game of chess. They were given the opportunity to learn the rules of this ancient game and practice their skills against other students and an online AI computer. Some students even challenged Mr. Woolacott to a game of speed chess!

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Year 7 Explore Literal Meanings in All Languages

Oct 19, 2022 | | Tags: KS3

The Year 7 students explored the "Big Idea” of how literal meanings in all languages are different to what they actually mean. Students had the opportunity to learn many expressions that have been part of our language for centuries. Now it is time to put them into practice and show their good levels…

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KS3 Science Trip - Where had all the dolphins gone?

Oct 06, 2022 | | Tags: KS3, Science

For many years EIC students have been exploring our coastal waters in search of dolphins. In the Science department we have probably now run a dozen or more trips to try to track them. And how do we get on? Are there plenty of dolphins out there? The answer is both yes and no!  There are days when…



Admissions will open in October for the 2025/2026 academic year.

We recognize the importance of choosing the right school for your family and we are here to help. Please take the time to read through the Admissions pages to familiarise yourself with the admissions process, but don't hesitate to contact us if you have questions.

When you are ready please visit the Making an Enquiry page to begin the process of joining us.
