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Sixth Form Show

Dec 07, 2016 | | Tags: Sixth Form, Drama

This year, the Sixth Form Show was aptly named “A Test of Time” The Greatest Hits. Despite Mother Nature´s attempts to thwart our annual tradition, almost 60 sixth form students battled on to provide a fantastic night´s entertainment on Friday 2nd December. The sold out show took our audience on a journey…

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Story Time Year 8

Dec 07, 2016 | | Tags: Year 8, English

It’s story time! This term, Ms Longthorne’s Year 8 English group have been creating their own story books which they have written, illustrated and put together themselves. Eager to read them, Year 1 and Year 3 kindly offered to be their audience and they enjoyed listening to the tales, all featuring…

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EIC Secondary STEM Group

Nov 28, 2016 | | Tags: STEM

We thought is was about time that we bring you a update about the EIC secondary STEM group.  The group have been hard at work and meeting on a weekly basis at our STEM HQ.  Weekly challenges have included flying water rockets, bridge building, boat building and making parachutes.  We are now applying…

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Monarchy Debate (Wednesday)

Nov 17, 2016 | | Tags: Debating

A fantastic debate and a victory for the EIC Bucharest Team! Good luck for the competition later this week.  Please follow the team @EICdebating for all the latest news and results. 

The Winning Logo for the COBIS World Debating Champions
The Winning Logo for the COBIS World Debating Champions

Nov 17, 2016 | | Tags: COBIS

After a very difficult decision with some outstanding entires the winning logo for the COBIS World Debating Champions has finally been chosen. Congratulations to Julian Zavaglia Polo in Year 7 whose fantastic design will now be used on all official communications and media for the competition including…

Remembrance 2016

Nov 17, 2016 | | Tags: Video

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Year 6 Anderson Shelters

Nov 15, 2016 | | Tags: Year 6

Year 6 have been learning about Anderson Shelters as part of their topic on World War 2. They have produced some fantastic home learning, where they were asked to design and make their own Anderson Shelter for Design and Technology. Miss Harriet and Miss Kasia were so impressed with the creativity and…

Y12 and Y13 Travelled to Morocco
Y12 and Y13 Travelled to Morocco

Nov 15, 2016 | | Tags: Trips, Charity

Last Thursday a group of Year 12 and 13 students travelled to Morocco to visit a centre for children with Down's Syndrome. We have put together a Padlet with some of the images of the trip and reflections from the students on this amazing experience.

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Year 10 Visited the Coca Cola Factory

Nov 14, 2016 | | Tags: Humanities, Trips

On Friday Year 10 visited the Coca Cola factory in Malaga where they were warmly welcomed for a tour of the bottling plant and quality control laboratory. We also had time to sample some of the products! 

The EIC Staff Show - 2016

Nov 04, 2016 | | Tags: Charity

The EIC Staff Show, presented by the staff of the EIC. A night of music & comedy - Friday 11th November 8:00pm. All proceeds will go towards the EIC Red Cross Christmas Campaign. Tickets 5 euros from reception - Adults only.



Admissions will open in October for the 2025/2026 academic year.

We recognize the importance of choosing the right school for your family and we are here to help. Please take the time to read through the Admissions pages to familiarise yourself with the admissions process, but don't hesitate to contact us if you have questions.

When you are ready please visit the Making an Enquiry page to begin the process of joining us.
