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Year 9 - Understanding the Conventions of Sitcoms

Feb 23, 2021 | | Tags: KS3, English

Year 9 has been studying sitcoms this half term. This has included a thorough understanding of the conventions of sitcoms, exploring stock characters and situations, investigating how comedy works, group analysis on a sitcom of their choice and ultimately, devising their own sitcoms (ideas for pilot…

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Year 7 Students Test for Hydrogen

Feb 17, 2021 | | Tags: KS3, Science

Year 7 students test for Hydrogen, the students carried out a chemical test to identify hydrogen gas. This involves a small controlled explosion! The test is called the squeaky pop test because it makes quite a strange sound when it happens.

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KS3 and KS4 House Captains

Sep 17, 2020 | | Tags: KS3, KS4

Congratulations to this year’s KS3 and KS4 House Captains. We know you will fulfil your roles with rigour and enthusiasm!

Protostar Award programme - 2020
Protostar Award programme - 2020

Sep 10, 2020 | | Tags: KS3

A big well done to Year 7 for not only making a smooth transition into Secondary but also for gaining so many stars in The Protostar Award programme. The aim of this initiative is to keep students on track and motivated, leaving them better prepared for starting Year 7. I am very proud of you all! Miss…

KS3 Challenge Day 2020

Apr 20, 2020 | | Tags: KS3

On Friday 17th, students in KS3 had the opportunity to take part in a challenge competition that consisted of: - Building a floating boat with recycling materials - Building a bridge structure with spaghetti (testing the strength of the bridge with weights) - Sporting moments: recreating a famous/epic…

KS3 Star Award Presentation

Apr 15, 2020 | | Tags: KS3

This year, the KS3 Star Award Programme consisted of completing a project in a subject area of the student's choice. Students had the opportunity to take the initiative and become more independent. Yesterday, in a virtual assembly students shared their work with us and showed real passion and fascination…



Admissions will open in October for the 2025/2026 academic year.

We recognize the importance of choosing the right school for your family and we are here to help. Please take the time to read through the Admissions pages to familiarise yourself with the admissions process, but don't hesitate to contact us if you have questions.

When you are ready please visit the Making an Enquiry page to begin the process of joining us.
