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Key Stage 1 Enjoying a Film in Spanish

May 15, 2023 | | Tags: Primary, MFL

Key Stage 1 went on an exciting trip to the cinema and park last week as a special end of term treat. Year 1 and 2 were lucky to visit the cinema in La Cañada for a private showing of "Patti y la furia de Poseidón". The film was fun and exciting and it was a fantastic opportunity for them to be exposed…

The Year 3 Class Visited the Secondary Science Block
The Year 3 Class Visited the Secondary Science Block

May 15, 2023 | | Tags: Primary, Science

The Year 3 class visited the Secondary Science block and learned about celery capillary tubes and how they work, volcanoes, whirlpools, and tornadoes. Mr. Sutcliffe was genuinely impressed with their knowledge and keenness to learn. The future of Science is bright!  

Students of the Spring Term
Students of the Spring Term

May 05, 2023 | | Tags: Primary

Our Students of the Spring Term were awarded with their special certificates and Amazon vouchers today in recognition of their exceptional work and attitude to learning. Each month, students in all key stages can be nominated for the Student of the Month Award which asks teachers to look for those…

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Ancient Greece - Year 5 Pottery Trip

Apr 28, 2023 | | Tags: Primary

Year 5 enjoyed a day getting creative at the Centro De Artes in Mijas this week. As part of their learning about Ancient Greece, children attended a pottery workshop where they were all taught how to work correctly with clay and create a Greek style looking pot. All children thoroughly enjoyed their…

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Year 2 - Year 6 were privileged to have a published British author visit them - Fiona Jennison

Apr 21, 2023 | | Tags: Primary

On Thursday, children from Year 2 - Year 6 were privileged to have a published British author visit them. Fiona Jennison has written two engaging bilingual books: one fiction and one non-fiction. Her non-fiction book focuses on helping children to spend less time on their screens and is full of ideas,…

Year 4 Students Laying a Solid Foundation in Coding

Apr 20, 2023 | | Tags: Primary

Year 4 students are embarking on an exciting journey of coding, where they will learn the fundamental principles of programming by creating their own quiz. Through this engaging project, students will gain a strong understanding of sequencing, loops, conditionals, and variables, among other essential…

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Year 3 spent the day at Selwo Aventura

Mar 29, 2023 | | Tags: Primary

Last Friday Year 3 spent the day at Selwo Aventura. It linked in beautifully with our current projects on ENDANGERED ANIMALS. We were given an amazingly detailed guide of the park by Jessica who filled our heads with unbelievable facts all day. What we all found so encouraging was the different number…

Student Success Inspires Others
Student Success Inspires Others

Mar 28, 2023 | | Tags: Primary

It's always amazing when children talk about who has inspired them to do something, or to step outside of their comfort zone. It is even more wonderful when the work of one student inspires another. This is exactly what happened for our latest novelist, Sophia, in Year 2, who was inspired to write her…

Rest of the World Rocks online Times Table competition
Rest of the World Rocks online Times Table competition

Mar 25, 2023 | | Tags: Primary, Maths

This week, EIC Primary have been taking part in the 'Rest of the World Rocks' online Times Table competition. 279 schools, 3187 classes and 62,630 children at schools in Hong Kong, Kuwait, Singapore and around Europe took part in answering as many times tables questions as quickly as possible within…

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Year 4 went back in time to visit a Neolithic village at the Algaba de Ronda heritage centre

Mar 16, 2023 | | Tags: Primary

As part of their topic work on Prehistoric people, Year 4 went back in time to visit a Neolithic village at the 'Algaba de Ronda' heritage centre. The centre is located between two national parks, near to the town of Ronda. It is a haven for wildlife of all kinds and we were lucky enough to see a herd…



Admissions will open in October for the 2025/2026 academic year.

We recognize the importance of choosing the right school for your family and we are here to help. Please take the time to read through the Admissions pages to familiarise yourself with the admissions process, but don't hesitate to contact us if you have questions.

When you are ready please visit the Making an Enquiry page to begin the process of joining us.
