Updated on: Mon Mar 17, 2025
Dear Parents,
This page has been created to keep you informed of the updates and our plans for the beginning of the academic year and beyond.
© 2025 The English International College
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Website by: The English International College
As you may be aware, our school has been closed to students, families and visitors since Friday, 13th March 2020. We will reopen our doors once government restrictions have been lifted here in Spain.
In the meantime, teaching and learning continues to take place every day at EIC via our Online School. Our students, from Early Years to Sixth Form, are attending their virtual lessons to keep in touch with their teachers, their education as well as their friends. Of equal importance to us, are our EIC families and we are working hard to ensure that they feel supported and the wellbeing of all is catered for. All of us here at EIC are working remotely to ensure that our students continue to receive the academic excellence we are proud of.
Our Admissions Department continues to operate so that we can give you all the assistance you may need when looking for a new school for your children. This may be to find out about how our school works, the education system we teach or to arrange interviews and assessments via our online platforms. Whatever it may be, we are ready to support you each and every step of the way.
Please contact us through the Admissions section of our website or by email on admissions@eic.edu. Our Admissions department is open for business, Monday to Friday and will be pleased to assist you in any way we can.